Low Nutrition

Nutrition plays a critical role in keeping our bodies healthy, but it’s even more important when trying to conceive and during pregnancy. Your unborn child is entirely reliant on you for proper nutrition. A mother’s diet can impact her unborn child’s health and future disease risk. Whether you are planning to get pregnant or just started trying, establishing a healthy diet from the start is essential to support a healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a critical time for your health and the health of your unborn child. Nutritional deficiencies can increase your risk for complications during pregnancy and negatively impact your unborn child’s health. Healthy nutrition can help you boost your mood and energy levels, support a healthy pregnancy, and birth outcome, and promote optimal infant development. The most important factor in determining your unborn child’s health is your health. To promote a healthy pregnancy, you need to focus on your prenatal nutrition.

Many nutrients like iron, folate, vitamin B12, and vitamin D are important for your health during pregnancy, but a few key nutrients are especially critical for fetal development.

Prenatal nutrition is critical to promoting a healthy pregnancy and thriving infant. Suboptimal prenatal nutrition can cause a range of health issues, including:

  • Fetal growth restriction – If the mother is malnourished, her body will divert nutrients away from her own body and the fetus. This can result in decreased fetal growth, a serious complication with serious implications.
  • Pre-eclampsia – This pregnancy complication is caused by poor blood flow and organ impairment, resulting in early delivery and serious maternal health issues. – Iron deficiency anemia
  • Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency in the Pakistan and has serious implications for maternal health outcomes.
  • Low birth weight and prematurity – Poor prenatal nutrition can cause the fetus to develop poorly or have a low birth weight, which increases the risk of complications and poor infant health.

Although every woman’s nutritional needs are different, there are general guidelines for a healthy prenatal diet. Here are 3 tips for supporting healthy prenatal nutrition.

  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Avoid unhealthy foods
  • Avoid certain foods

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